Saturday 3 December 2016



Encircle the right answer
1.     It’s a fast flying bird of prey.
a.    Falcon            b. ostrich                  c.hen              d. sparrow
2 .Birds have it over their body ,it helps birds to fly.
a.   Beak                 b. feet                      c .feathers      d.neck
3 . It is the smallest bird. It can fly backwards too.
a.   Sparrow                b.   barbet            c.  humming     d. sunbird
4. It is the size of a chicken , has a long bill and cannot fly.
a. hen                b. kiwi                    c. emu                      d .duck
5. It is the biggest , fastest bird and cannot fly. It lives in Africa.
a. penguin               b. ostrich            c. barbet        d.weaver  bird
6.It is a common bird and found in cities around the world
a.crow                     b .sparrow              c .pigeon    d.hen
7. This bird is now extinct.
a .cock            b. dodo          c.ostrich          d. dove
8.It makes its nest between stones
a.sunbird                b. weaver           c. indian robin       d.crow

9. Its teeth grows throughout its life
a. cow           b. snake            c.squirrel          d. cat
10. Duck has this type of feet.
a. crooked             b.webbed        d. blunt

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