Saturday 3 December 2016


                                    KENDRIYA  VIDYALAYA , DGQA
                                   TOPIC: HOME AND ABROAD                                                                                                       

    1 ) Find out the currency of the following countries
i)                  U S A……………………
ii)                PAKISTAN…………………
iii)             RUSSIA……………….
iv)             U K………………..
v)                FRANCE……………………
2) Name two other countries situated in the desert area near Abudhabi
…………………………… ,……………………………
3)Give three differences between Kerala and Abudhabi
i) landform
ii) climate
iii) source of income

4) Fill in the blanks
i)Hills of sand are called……………..
ii)……………….. is a model of the earth.
iii) There is a lot of ………… under the sandy soil in Abudhabi.
iv)  We are in the continent of ……………..
 v)…………………. is the language of Abudhabi.
vi) There are ……………….languages on our currency note.
vii)Name of the bank given on our note is…………………….
viii)Two of our neighbouring countries are…………. ,
5) Give the full form of
i) U A E
ii) U S A
iii) U SS R

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